Doral ranked 198th among cities in Florida by annual earnings per resident, according to data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau in August.
The median income of Doral residents was an inflation-adjusted $32,045 per year. Doral had 16,626 households in 2017, with a population of 56,276.
The city with the highest median resident income in the state was Manalapan. Manalapan‘s median income was $106,250 per year after adjusting for inflation – $74,205 more than Doral. It had 146 households in 2017 and a population of 276.
St. Leo had the lowest annual resident income among cities in Florida, with a median income of only $3,576 per year. That was $28,469 less than the median income in Doral at the time. St. Leo had 19 households in 2017 and a population of 1,177.
The data below shows the top 100 Florida cities ranked by median annual resident earnings in 2017.
Top 100 Florida Cities By Earnings Per Resident (2017) – Per City Ranking & Earnings Per Resident