The 7.3% year-over-year increase is good news for landlords that have been coping with a supply surge, but the overall industrial market is still down from its record highs in 2022.
Under this initiative, maritime workers at the port are set to embark on a College Credit Certificate in Logistics and Transportation. The classes, shared with MDC students, plan to cover a wide spectrum of subjects central to supply chain management – from negotiation techniques to project management.
When it comes to the Doral’s commercial market, it has certainly experienced significant growth and development over the past several years. The main driver for that has been the access to highways to Miami International Airport, as well as access to Port of Miami making it an ideal hub when it comes to business.
For Carnival, the sale is a chance to unlock a potential windfall from decades of real estate growth in Doral, where property values have soared alongside the area’s condo boom.
Florida has 16 ports, including the 10 that handle cargo. The just released annual Seaport Mission Plan by the Florida Ports Council outlines more than $5 billion in capital improvements projects over the next five years focused on dock rehabilitation, port capacity and congestion relief.